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⇒ Category:Settings Files
⇒ Developer:Google LLC

📌 An .ONC file format structure correlates with a configuration data sample applied for connecting a Chrome OS device, such as a Chromebook, to a network area. Accurately, this appropriate .ONC record comprises parameters that manage the connection credentials, network’s configuration, and type. As a bonus hint, the Chrome OS users may utilize Google Chrome to import a requested .ONC file extension entry and connect to the network it explicitly describes.

The Open Network Configuration (in short, ONC) technical standard was invented and designed by Google corporation as a technological approach for network administrators to maintain network coтnection credentials provided to users. As a theoretical foundation claims, users operating with multiple types of devices and operating shells can smoothly load the settings embedded into an .ONC connectivity session to connect to one or multiple auxiliary networks. Nevertheless, as of 2022, only Chrome OS devices use .ONC file methodology to efficiently connect to a trusted network.

Each individual .ONC file item includes an advanced list of one or more network parameters. These specifications cover the connection credentials, network’s type, name, and other specific tweaks. For instance, an .ONC file variation that encompasses information regarding an associated Wi-Fi network would be obliged to provide the password applied to join the requested network, the type of security the network is based on, and that network’s name.

As it is generally taken into practice, .ONC file resources are saved and opened in a plain text .JSON logical view. Nevertheless, .ONC file structure can also appear password-secured and encrypted, so that users couldn’t monitor and track them if they do not know the file’s genuine password.

How to open an .ONC file?

📌 All of the .ONC file assets can be fluently discovered, opened, explored, and examined by any typical text editor, such as Microsoft Notepad, Vim, Apple TextEdit or any related file packages tightly focused on retrieving the clear text data from the pinpoint file composition.

Programs to open .ONC file - Open Network Configuration

  • Windows
  • Mac OS
  • Linux
  • 🌐 Software
    ⌨️ Developer
    💵 License
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • 🌐 Software
    ⌨️ Developer
    💵 License
  • Apple Inc.
  • 🌐 Software
    ⌨️ Developer
    💵 License
  • Bram Moolenaar
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