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PC-Axis Statistical Database

β‡’ Category:Database Files
β‡’ Developer:Statistics Sweden

πŸ“Œ Furthermore, in untypical cases the .PX format basement may serve for holding and opening up statistical databases designed to be utilized with PxWin, a statistics analysis bundle maintained and supported by Statistics Sweden corporate affiliation. In general, the current .PX schema embraces a table-based dataset applied to perform statistical calculations and analyses. As a practical experience claims, at most the .PX object instances grasp official government statistics. Statistics Sweden, the developer of the product, stands out as a Swedish governmental agency eligible for disseminating and producing official, genuine governmental statistics. One of the ways the agency takes service for disseminating statistics is providing and covering datasets shaped and wrapped into the .PX file layout. These proper .PX object instances can be steadily and efficiently analyzed and opened by PxWin, which is accessible for legal freeware download from the official project’s online repository. Each of the noted .PX file entries embraces a set of key-value pairs that explicitly describe the contents of the dataset, followed by the dataset composition itself. As an extra tweak to being capable of retrieving and discovering the .PX elements from Statistics Sweden organization, users are enabled and suggested to design and establish their own certain .PX branch file nodes from the PxWin distributive, by clicking the Save button while reviewing a .PX shaped database (or an integral subset of a database). Finally, such governmental organizations as Statistics Iceland, Statistics Latvia, Statistics Norway, and Statistics Finland are also responsible for publication of similar database analogues in the .PX file representation.

Pixel Image File

β‡’ Category:Raster Image Files
β‡’ Developer:Pixel

πŸ“Œ Generally, the .PX file specification can be oriented towards the graphical image instances, stored and handled by the Pixel image editor, a cross-platform graphics animation, manipulation, photo retouching, and image editing toolkit. Indeed, the .PX file extension schema grasps multiple selections, masks, channels, paths, and layers. Besides, the .PX algorithm methodology may also comprise effects and adjustment layers similarly to a plain Photoshop (.PSD) document. Miscellaneously, the Pixel image resources can be stored in CIE Lab, grayscale, CMYK, and RGB modes, as a bonus to the HDR (High Dynamic Range) representation with 32-bit precision ratio. Formerly the Pixel image editor software bundle has been distributed and promoted under Pixel32 entitlement.

How to open an .PX file?

πŸ“Œ All of the major .PX file elements are perfectly and flawlessly maintained and opened by the PxWin software bundle, enhanced and refined by governmental Statistics Sweden agency. As an exceptional option, it would be a well-measured idea to practice with Pixel graphical image editor, also supported by the .PX data file approach and adapted for all currently known operating systems and platforms.

Programs to open .PX file - PC-Axis Statistical Database

  • Windows

Programs to open .PX file - Pixel Image File

  • Windows
  • Mac OS
  • Linux
  • 🌐 Software
    ⌨️ Developer
    πŸ’΅ License
  • Pixel image editor
  • 🌐 Software
    ⌨️ Developer
    πŸ’΅ License
  • Pixel image editor
  • 🌐 Software
    ⌨️ Developer
    πŸ’΅ License
  • Pixel image editor
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