📌 Ordinarily, the .CIN extension foundation correlates with a bitmap image stored and opened up in the Cineon (CIN) technological pattern, invented, designed and promoted by Kodak company to transfer film images to a digital representation for electronic enhancement, manipulation, and compositing. Precisely, the .CIN samples are composed of a single frame from a video data stream or motion picture and supports 10-bit color depth per each RGB channel. Cineon System from Kodak enterprise may generate and build new .CIN entities, along with other third-party apps, such as XnViewMP and Adobe Photoshop. The Cineon System standard has been initially announced and released in 1992, when Hollywood studios managed to make use of the technique to restore old tape films and transform them to digital .CIN representation. At the same time, the film artists used the Cineon algorithm to scan film, saving each discrete frame as a distinctive .CIN file node. After that iteration they adjusted the frames digitally with software bundled with Cineon System package and output them back to film shape with no any losses of outcome .CIN image quality and resolution.
📌 Alternatively, the .CIN arrangement can be recognized as a video sequence exploited by the MS-DOS edition of the video-game Fade to Black. Particularly, it includes a certain, individual scene played back within the game. .CIN entries are pretty rare to encounter, so most of the common media players are not capable of visualizing and representing them. Fade to Black was a sequel to formerly released Flashback game title, a puzzle-solving and third-person shooter genre project produced by Delphine Software International, a French video game developer. The franchise was particularly distributed and released for Dreamcast, PlayStation, and MS-DOS platforms, but only the MS-DOS branch employed the .CIN extension technology.
📌 Finally, in appropriate circumstances the .CIN compound item can be comprehended as a bitmap image initiated, built and opened by Champions’ Interlace, a graphical utility for Atari personal computers. Essentially, the .CIN composition involves an embedded pixel image with the resolution up to 160x200 ratio. However, most of the .CIN graphics are distinguished by 160x192 proportions. In general, bitmap graphics can be described as digital images comprised of a matrix of dots defined as pixels. Therefore, Champions’ Interlace suite provides users the facilities to create small-sized .CIN bitmap graphics. In the meantime, Champions’ Interlace software initiative saves the outcome user graphics as .CIN objects. Besides, the resulting graphical content can be exported and transformed to .CCI (Compressed Champions’ Interlace Bitmap) file layout. It should be directly specified that source .CIN file elements are perfectly sustained and processed within Android mobile architecture and can be converted to more common and widespread graphical format assignments.
How to open an .CIN file?
📌 Considering the clause when the source .CIN file pattern is visualized and opened in clear graphical shape, you can make use of Adobe Photoshop, XnViewMP, or Adobe After Effects bundles, which fluently process the .CIN arrangement composition and logic. Otherwise, if the target .CIN file record serves for storing videos referenced by Fade to Black video-game, it is recommended to experiment with VLC and FFmpeg solutions which may flawlessly handle the .CIN schema design. Finally, in any other circumstances, it may appear worthy to employ Piotr Fusik RECOIL applet, adapted for all categories of desktop infrastructures, as well as Android smartphones and tablets. Those who prefer to make use of browser web-services are highly recommended to take a closer look at Tom’s Editor service, available via Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Opera, Vivaldi or any other contemporary navigator.