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ArcGIS Style Manager File

β‡’ Category:GIS Files
β‡’ Developer:ESRI

πŸ“Œ Another possible interpretation of this specific extension area concerns the style data object composed and opened up with ArcGIS mapping suite. Accurately, the noted file format arrangement embraces map elements and symbols, involving colors, backgrounds, borders, legend items, arrows, labels, and other respective symbols. Specifically, the ESRI.style data file formation encompasses a default range of map elements, symbol properties, and symbols themselves. Eventually, it can be substituted or configured using ESRI’s integrated Style Manager.

SketchUp Style

β‡’ Category:Settings Files
β‡’ Developer:Trimble Navigation, Ltd

πŸ“Œ This predefined data file sample ordinarily grasps an individual style which can be applied by a certain user to a drawing illustrated, and composed and opened by Trimble SketchUp, a solid, efficient 3D modeling solution. Among the traditional style examples quick pen strokes, graphite stick marks, and wavy pencil lines should be specified on the first hand. The noted graphical file figures come bundled with the initial SketchUp installation routine, although users are provided a chance to design custom tailored styles due to involvement of Style Builder solution and share the results of their creative efforts with others afterwards. The SketchUp project initiative was primarily invented and designed by @Last Software enterprise, while the product has been introduced to the broad audience in 2000 after release. Later on, in 2006 the @Last Software trademark has been consumed by Google corporation, which continued further maintenance and optimization of the initiative until 2006, when the software brand has been acquired by Trimble. Prior to SketchUp Pro implementation (of edition 6), the Style Builder was shared and distributed separately from the SketchUp distributive package. Nevertheless, after the global publication of branch 6, the Style Builder has been united with SketchUp Pro in its released bundle. The Styles can be accessed within the SketchUp suite in the analogous entitled panel in the Default Tray. After the proper template is picked, the user can apply it to their illustrations to give them a unique appearance (in the common principle with hand-made aesthetics) and make them look in the uniform state.

In order to share a desired file style with another trusted SketchUp user:

  • navigate to Windows -> Styles branch node of the primary menu
  • pick In Model option within the Styles Collection drop-down list
  • Right-click the desired pattern you are suggested to share and choose the Save As option.

How to open an .STYLE file?

πŸ“Œ A solid majority of the formerly noted file patterns can be researched, opened, and discovered by Trimble Style Builder or Trimble SketchUp software bundles. In rarer circumstances, it is recommended and suggested to take service of ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop package, also capable of sustaining and tracking the predefined branch node structures.

Programs to open .STYLE file - ArcGIS Style Manager File

  • Windows

Programs to open .STYLE file - SketchUp Style

  • Windows
  • Mac OS
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