β Category: | Developer Files |
β Developer: | Fantaisie Software |
π The initial, primary assignment of the .PB entry division corresponds to a program file which includes source code written with PureBasic technique. Accurately, the .PB wrapped PureBasic extension approach is established on the basement of the BASIC programming layout. It should be additionally specified that the .PB file items may comprise references to other source entities, functions, and corresponding variables.
β Category: | Settings Files |
β Developer: | Google LLC |
π Instead, in certain circumstances the .PB format area may focus on the settings file applied and opened up by Chromium-related web-browsers, such as Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. The .PB data samples are always entitled as preloaded_data.pb, and cover a list of online-resources for which the respective browser is permitted to autoplay audio and video. Furthermore, Google sets the default, predefined list of web-portals that preloaded_data.pb sample grasps.
In build 62.x of the Chrome project, Google corporation introduced a feature widely known as the Media Engagement Index (in short, MEI). This custom function is responsible for logging when exactly and how many times you open and playback corresponding audio and video on a specific web-portal. After you manage to playback audio or video on a website at predefined quantity of times, Chrome automatically permits that website to successfully load and playback requested audio and video.
When introducing MEI innovative methodology, Google published a default list of suggested web-resources that could always autoplay audio and video clips and fragments. This custom list is saved in the preloaded_data.pb file object. After your distinctive browser determines that an accurate site should be permitted to automatically playback audio and video tracks in the background mode, the browser appends that custom web-resource to the preloaded_data.pb list. Nevertheless, preloaded_data.pb stands out as a binary data container, so users cannot just reveal and explore it to adjust or monitor the website list it includes.
In Windows shell, the .PB file asset associated with a relevant web-browser is allocated in the MEIPreload disk folder.
π The .PB file elements are perfectly handled, managed, and opened by PureBasic, the BASIC-related programming language designed for a huge arsenal of operating platforms and architectures. Besides, in uncommon situations the .PB file composition may be flawlessly and transparently operated by any Chromium-relied web-browsers, such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Chromium, and more.