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πŸ“Œ An .O layout arrangement correlates with a precompiled C program object. Several major C precompilers generate, open up, and build .O file patterns during the executable (.EXE) creation routine. Additionally, it should be strictly noted that .O file arrangements themselves are traditionally not executable.

When compiling a respective C application, compilers initially transform all the app’s source code assets into compiled object arrangements. These precompiled branch nodes traditionally exploit .OBJ or .O-markered extension labels. On the next subsequent iteration of the overall compiling procedure, the compiling module links the associated compiled object components into an executable assembly bundle.

Some typical, widely spread examples of compilers that generate and open up .O file variations involve GNU Compiler Collection (in short, GCC)’s C++ and C language tools and alternate Tiny C Compiler.

How to open an .O file?

πŸ“Œ The .O data file elements and sources are perfectly readable, opened, and acknowledged by Tiny C Compiler and GCC (abbreviated from GNU Compiler Collection term) compilers, assistive for building compound and comprehensive C apps and products.

Programs to open .O file - Compiled C Object File

  • Windows
  • Mac OS
  • Linux
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