π The .ERR resource serves to store error messages, automatically initialized and composed by an individual app. As it is accustomed, ERR files are written as the program closes, loads or executes. Generally, this particular subtype of .ERR text file is applied by software developers during profiling, refining or testing the corresponding suite or bundle. In order to generate a new .ERR data object, a developer may select to redirect the standard βoutβ stream as log.out container or βerrβ stream as a particular log.err disk entry for error output.
π As a miscellaneous option, .ERR record may relate to application log file generated and initialized by AutoCAD, a professional tool for creating 3D design and models by engineers and architects. In this occasion, .ERR entry may include the descriptive error text, time and date of error occurrence. In addition, the .ERR extension item would involve the name of the drawing that was opened in that accurate instant when the program unexpectedly quit. In basic cases, the .ERR files are applied for troubleshooting and diagnosing the relevant application problems and causes of the failures' appearance.
π This specific .ERR file entry is designed for listing the errors produced during the compilation of a FoxPro database software program. The FoxPro database is quite a popular hint among desktop developers in order to manage, open and handle a well-structured, hierarchical data organization within considered, sorted tables, that also include primary/secondary keys, indexes and references of various types. When the developer has designed a new solution or tool that exchanges data with FoxPro database, it is obligatory to compile the tool before toggling to the testing stage. Therefore, in these circumstances the .ERR records are made up, which can be further discovered to reveal the code errors and logic defects.
How to open an .ERR file?
π Depending on the situation and circumstances, the .ERR extension contents can be discovered and opened up either by typical, default text editor downloaded on the hard drive or by Autodesk AutoCAD suite of the most actual version released. You may check out the reason of error appearance by revealing the input or out stream, recorded within the dedicated text .ERR file. Otherwise, the generated .ERR file would include the error marker, identifier and description, that would assist you to figure out the outcome of the occasional program quit or crash.