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⇒ Category:Text Files

📌 .LATEX file stands out as a discrete document built up by LaTeX, a highly qualitative system that ideally fits for typesetting targets. Particularly, the extension is frequently opened up and exploited for designing of scientific and technical documents. Besides, .LATEX format can also be utilized for various other forms of publishing. Generally, the container permits document authors to specify and define essential authoring information (such as article text, date, author name, title and so on) without paying attention to formatting options. Thus, the .LATEX structure specifies the custom formatting layout based on predefined templates and styles.

How to open an .LATEX file?

📌 .LATEX file instances are easily opened, sustained and operated by multiple technologically TeX-related suites available within the web-area. The format varies with cross-platform compliance between most major desktop infrastructures and platforms. The LaTeX schema starts its progress and advancement since 1984, when the standard has been initially opened up and introduced to the online community with the auxiliary technical specification of the mechanism attached. Until now, the schema has been significantly improved due to several global redesigns, and still serves as a reliable, convenient typesetting system, maintained by the writers and editors all over the world.

Programs to open .LATEX file - LaTeX Document

  • Windows
  • Mac OS
  • Linux
  • 🌐 Software
    ⌨️ Developer
    💵 License
  • Jonathan Kew
  • Pascal Brachet, Joël Amblard
  • José Fernández
  • Christiaan Hofman, Adam Maxwell, and Michael McCracken
  • 🌐 Software
    ⌨️ Developer
    💵 License
  • Jonathan Kew
  • Pascal Brachet, Joël Amblard
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