π The primary definition of the .FBL format category concerns the log file pattern generated, built, and opened by CADfix, the solid program toolkit for modification and repair of the .CAD drafts and sketches. Particularly, the .FBL objects are generated when an appropriate batch process is executed and run. In the meantime, the .FBL composition includes custom data regarding successes and failures that have been encountered and tracked during the repair methodology processing embraced by .FBL file standard.
π Besides, the .FBL extension pattern can correlate with a map file utilized by iGO, a GPS navigation toolkit designed and oriented onto PNA and PDA mobile gadgets. Accurately, the noted data arrangement includes various map data such as points of interest (POI), roads, and political boundaries. Therefore, this pinpoint .FBL layout is typically targeted for discovering and opening of locations of interest and pinpoint navigation aims.
How to open an .FBL file?
π The .FBL format structure is pretty rare and extinct, despite it is still affordable to experiment with the file entities by involving CADfix, iGO, MioMap, and MioPocket utilities, most of which are focused on searching and exploring points of interest and navigation. Finally, CADfix utility would assist to repair and open corrupted CAD schemes encountered during the sketching process.