📌 A .TEX format belongs to the subcategory of source documents, designed and opened by LaTeX, an ultra-quality system dedicated to typesetting aims. The .TEX files may involve graphics, mathematical expressions, symbols, and text. In general, scientists, engineers, economic professionals and mathematicians all over the world frequently make use of .TEX objects while they require to typeset books, articles and other supplemental publications. LaTeX objects usually contain plain text with embedded tags and miscellaneous LaTeX syntax, that explicitly defines .TEX file structure, such as article, book, or letter.
Texture File
📌 Alternatively, .TEX extension may concern bitmap images, utilized for the textures storage. .TEX containers can define the way how different surfaces appear visually and how precisely they can be applied to both 3D and 2D objects. The graphical textures are mostly used in the video gaming industry (in first and third person shooters, for instance) in case the relevant game supports 3D texture-mapping feature. Among the examples of gaming projects that rely on .TEX graphical representation are Dead Rising 2, Serious Sam, Avalon Heroes, and others.
How to open an .TEX file?
📌 In ordinary situations, .TEX contents can be opened, revealed and edited by any simple text editing program, or third-party LaTeX suite, downloaded from external sources. If the .TEX file you operate with concerns the gaming textures, the original data file can be operated and opened up by texture editor, compliant with the definitive container. The predefined list of supported texture editors follows in the section below. The extension is not compatible with mobile (i.e., iOS and Android) operating infrastructures.